Making clothes work for you through reselling

A purple jersey acts as an example of something Jordan Gillespie resells online.

Jordan Gillespie graduated from Bayshore High School in Bradenton in 2019 and, like many students, was not sure where his post-education journey would lead. However, when he looked in his closet, he was immediately set on what to pursue with his life.

“In school I was always told to find a job doing what I love, and after sitting in my room it was obvious that streetwear was my ticket,” Gillespie said. “I knew it was time to do something different, something for me.”

Jordan went to his mother, Lakwanda Gillespie, who works in the finance field, and searched for answers to turn his fashion dreams of reselling into reality.

“I first made sure he understood SWOT, being able to understand the strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats in correlation to the newest trends was paramount to my son’s success,” Lakwanda Gillespie said.

Jordan has been able to use his financial literacy to support himself and carve out a path that was nothing like he’d learned back in school.

“I could have never imagined something I love turning into a career that I look forward to,” Jordan Gillespie said. “It’s almost like a movie to me.”