Taco or Beer Challenge helps fund access to abortions

This video story produced and reported by Leali Shalabi. Web editing by Abby Ramshaw, Alexandra Rodriguez, Austen Prager, Dominque Ball, Hanalyse Loboda, Kirstin Neese.

If an average American woman works 50 hours, she would then be able to afford the estimated cost of an abortion, $500.

The Taco or Beer Challenge raises awareness and money to fund abortions for women. The challenge started in 2014 and has since grown into a viral trend. Supporters from all over the United States share pictures of themselves either eating a taco or drinking a beer along with #ToBC21.

These social media posts keep everyone politically active, encourage individuals to donate, and in turn make a difference in lives.

Senate Bill 8 was recently passed in Texas banning abortions after six weeks. This is causing thousands of people to take to social media to raise awareness as the Florida Senate is looking to pass the same bill.

Poverty and abortion go hand in hand as the rates of abortion are higher in women of low socioeconomic status.

The Tampa Bay Abortion Fund is a nonprofit that provides support and financial relief for women and abortion access. Last year, they helped more than 400 women have safe and affordable abortions with access to transportation and lodging.

“People are going to die if abortion is not safe and legal,” said Lisa Kovacs, a board director for the Tampa Bay Abortion Fund.

A 2012 study found that women are 14 times more likely to die from childbirth than from abortion.

“Giving birth is more dangerous than having an abortion,” Kovacs added.

About 700 women in the U.S. are likely to die during childbirth each year. The rate of women who die during childbirth is highest in states where access to abortion is lowest. The maternal-mortality rate dropped 45% a year after abortion was legalized in New York City.

In 2021 alone, there have been more than 560 new restrictions on abortions across 47 states.

For more ways to support and fund safe abortions, visit Planned Parenthood’s website.