Nov 29, 2019
By: Sonu Trivedi
Edited By: Devonta Davis
TAMPA- Community gardens are taking root across the Tampa Bay Area teaching the residents the benefits of gardening together.
A lot of residents in the Tampa Bay Area do not have enough space to start gardens on their own so they turn to community gardens. These gardens are a way for residents who wish to grow organic foods, but simply do not have the time or space to do so.
“Gardens like these are important because we are really all here to tend to this small corner of the earth. We can’t take care of the entire earth, but we can take care of our little piece of it,” said Seminole Heights garden president Collen Parker.
Studies conducted by Charles C. Branas, chair of the epidemiology department at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, and colleagues, along with researchers at the University of Pennsylvania, on the effects of greening vacant lots on violent crime. have shown that green spaces such as community gardens are a great way to reduce violence in neighborhoods as well as increase mental health through social interactions.
“We are now apart of a coalition of community gardens it has expanded to over 30 gardens in the area and that I think is a fantastic result,” said Parker.
Community gardens also provide a variety of healthier options for those who want to eat cleaner while also being a great source of exercise.
“I know where this food comes from I know the hands that have raised it and I think that ties into the whole local food movement and you can not get any more local than this,” said Parker.
The Seminole Heights group grows its own organic fruits, vegetables and herbs they also accept compost from within the community.
For more information about the group visit their webpage here.